This post is purely to back up some information, because the original site seems to have disappeared. I found it from a Google cache, but that won't last forever. Here it is (apologies for the shoddy formatting):
Besides .vimrc setting, the complete flow to develop Android app using vim + command line is as follows:
- Start eclim by starting its server first.
eclimd& - Navigate to project folder. (ex. ~/workspace), and start vim. Use :ProjectCreate to create new project
- Alternatively, navigate to existing project (ex. ~/workspace/your_android_app), use
:ProjectTree <project name>
to open existing one.
But with the above .vimrc, vim/eclim should be able to automatically open the project tree view for you by just entering vim. There is no need to follow this step, indeed. - For editing, :FirstExplorerWindow to the tree view or Ctrl+w Ctrl+w, use :Tlist to open taglist
Open new tab by <Enter> or open split window by <S>, when navigating in the project file tree view. - When :w, eclim will do :Validate for you, pointing out live syntax check and display suggestions like what you’ve got in Eclipse.
For auto-complete, Ctrl+x Ctrl+u as you’re used to. - To build project,
Notes: if there is no build.xml, excute
:!android update project -p . - To start an AVD, use
android list avd
emulator -avd <avd_name>
- To upload project to default emulator or device,
:Ant install - To see LogCat debugging log, open another terminal, check available devices by
adb devices
once you got what devices to look at,
adb -s <device_name> logcat - To turn off eclimd, in vim, type :ShutdownEclim, or in command line, eclim -command shutdown
Hehe, just noticed the search terms I used are still highlighted! I'll leave that there, for posterity :-)